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High-precision HART intelligent temperature transmitter

From: Issued date 2020.02.04 Back

With the continuous development of computer technology, electronic technology, modern measurement technology, on site wire technology, and artificial intelligence technology, users have increasingly higher requirements for the measurement accuracy, repeatability, and stability of temperature transmissions. Many users want the measurement of temperature transmission Accuracy, repeatability, and stability are better than 0.1%; Therefore, according to the needs of the market and users, a high-precision HART (Highway Addressable Remote Trans-ducer) intelligent temperature transmission has been developed. , HART communication, local parameter setting, modification in one, good stability, high measurement accuracy.

High-precision HART intelligent temperature transmitter

working principle


The measured medium acts on the sensor, which changes the electrical signal output by the sensor. The conversion circuit converts and filters this signal, and then the A / D converter. The CPU reads the result of the A / D conversion. The conversion result is subjected to a series of data processing, non-linear correction, temperature compensation, zero-point tracking correction, and then converted into the corresponding measurement temperature and displayed locally, while transmitting a 4-20mA current signal to the wire




The intelligent temperature transmitter is mainly composed of CPU, LCD display, HART communication, local (keyboard) setting, signal conversion, and environmental temperature detection.


Wotian temperature transmitter based on Hard protocol


PCT400 industrial temperature transmitter

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