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Contact temperature sensor and non-contact temperature sensor

From: Issued date 2020.03.03 Back

What is a contact temperature sensor?

The contact temperature sensor is just like its name. It is a temperature sensor that can directly contact the object to be measured. The detection part of the contact temperature sensor has good contact with the measured object. It is also called a thermometer.

 Contact temperature sensor and non-contact temperature sensor

Contact temperature sensor and non-contact temperature sensor

Back to list source: Baidu Encyclopedia Release Date: 2019.05.01

What is a contact temperature sensor?

Contact temperature sensor and non-contact temperature sensor 

Temperature Sensor


What is a non-contact temperature sensor?

 Contact temperature sensor and non-contact temperature sensor

The non-contact temperature sensor does not need to be in contact with the measured medium, but is transmitted to the temperature sensor through the heat radiation or convection of the measured medium to achieve the purpose of temperature measurement. Its sensitive components do not contact each other, which is also called non-contact temperature measuring instrument. This instrument can be used to measure the surface temperature of moving objects, small targets, and objects with small heat capacity or rapid temperature changes (transient). It can also be used to measure the temperature of the temperature field.


Features of contact temperature sensors


The thermometer achieves thermal equilibrium through conduction or convection, so that the thermometer's display value can directly indicate the temperature of the measured object.


Generally, the measurement accuracy is high. Within a certain temperature range, the thermometer can also measure the temperature distribution inside the object. But for moving objects, small targets or objects with small thermal capacity, large measurement errors will occur. Common thermometers include bimetal thermometers, glass liquid thermometers, pressure thermometers, resistance thermometers, thermistors, and thermocouples. They are widely used in industry, agriculture, commerce, etc.


Features of non-contact temperature sensor


This type of sensor mainly includes infrared temperature sensors. The main characteristics of this temperature measurement method are that it can measure the temperature of substances in motion (such as the bearing temperature of a slow-moving train, the temperature of a rotating cement kiln) and objects with small heat capacity (such as the temperature distribution in an integrated circuit).

 Contact temperature sensor and non-contact temperature sensor


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