Nanjing Wotian Technology Co., Ltd.

Pressure sensor manufacturing for 20 years.

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Good news! Nanjing Wotian was awarded as Nanjing Credit Management Demonstration Enterprise

From: Issued date 2020.01.22 Back

Recently, the Nanjing Development and Reform Commission and the Office of the Leading Group for the Construction of the Social Credit System released the "List of Nanjing Municipal Credit Management Demonstration Enterprises in 2019", and our company was listed among them.


The assessment is based on the "Notice on Organizing and Implementing Corporate Credit Management Standards, Demonstration Creation, and Credit Information Service Work in 2019" and Nanjing Credit Office The spirit of the document on the management of standard implementation, demonstration creation and credit information service was carefully selected by experts after review.

Good news! Nanjing Wotian was awarded as Nanjing Credit Management Demonstration Enterprise


In the current market economy, good social credit is the prerequisite for the healthy operation of the economy. At the same time of adapting to the development of the times, Nanjing Wotian is also making changes with the times. From the beginning of the results control to the current process management, the general manager of Lian Wuzhou especially emphasized that "everything is done, everything is responded In production and processing, we must strictly control each production process to provide customers with high-quality products; in operation management, each employee must be responsible for his own job responsibilities, from annual plan to monthly plan Zhou plans that in the digital age, we should also analyze ourselves through big data and establish a complete set of corporate credit management systems that meet our own development.


Integrity management is the prerequisite for a company to settle down. It can win the recognition and trust of customers, and also make the company more cohesive. Wotian believes in dreams, integrity, honesty and kindness. "Responsible for trust", become a company of conscience, contribute to the progress of society and the happiness of the people.


This assessment is an affirmation of the long-term efforts of Wotian people, and it is also a spur to us. It inspires us to continue to provide customers with high-quality products, adhere to the credibility of development first, adhere to civilization Law-abiding enterprises strive to provide consumers with high-quality and satisfactory services.

"Creating value for customers" is the goal that Wotian always pursues. As a leader in the domestic pressure sensor industry, Wotian will revitalize the pressure sensor business in China as its mission. Provide cost-effective sensors to contribute to the credit construction of our city.

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